The Ibex ShorBot is a Telegram Bot that helps investor to watch short positions against companies included in the Ibex35 index (Spanish’s main stock index).

Short positions tend to increase the volatility of the price, and most of the times, it ends in a big price drop. Regular buy&hold investors are greatly exposed to these type of movements.

Short positions are legal, an useful, despite many investors think about them. Keeping track of these positions can leverage big returns either trying to catch a potential downtrend, or avoiding to buy stocks of a company with a big load of short positions, and waiting to buy when funds start to withdraw short positions.

The bot helps investors to access that information in a simple and quick way, straight from the interface of Telegram, using a regular chat interface.

Ibex ShortBot is an open source project of public access: just add the bot to your Telegram chat searching for @IbexShortBot. A public chat group is also available (Spanish & English). Questions and proposals are welcome.